Wagner’s Farmer’s Delight Wild Bird Food
Wagner’s Farmer’s Delight Wild Bird Food is a clean blend of millet, milo, cracked corn and sunflower. This general purpose mix is great for attracting all birds, especially ground feeders. Great for birders who wish for an economical option. Trust your backyard birds to the experts at Wagner’s.
Where should I locate my feeder to attract the most birds?
Make sure that your feeder is close to natural shelters such as trees and shrubs to provide protection for your birds, but be careful not to make it too convenient for squirrels. Also, place it in a location so that you can enjoy watching the activities of your feathered friends.
Should I feed the birds year-round?
Yes, birds need food year-round, so it is best to keep bird feeders full all year. Birds have a high metabolism and need to continually eat. Birds nest from late winter through late summer and during these months there is not an abundance of natural foods, so they need additional food for breeding and raising their young.
What is the best bird food?
Oil Sunflower Seed is one of the best seeds to have in a wild bird food mix. It is popular with a large number of species and is easy to feed in a variety of feeder styles. Wagner’s blends provide a wide selection of seed choices that will attract the largest variety of birds to the backyard feeder. Wagner’s has the mixes that will attract the species you want and will fit any budget.
How can I attract specific birds and not attract others (e.g. starlings, grackles and cowbirds)?
Make sure that you have the right bird food to attract specific birds. Sunflower is a great seed that many species love. Also specialty blends, such as Wagner’s Cardinal Blend or Finches Supreme, will attract these specific birds. Birdseed with less milo and corn won’t attract as many cowbirds, grackles, and starlings if you would rather not see these birds.
How do I stop squirrels from eating all of my birdseed?
Squirrels are a common problem at bird feeders. There are now a number of feeder styles designed to prevent squirrels from reaching the seed. Additionally, there are two seeds that squirrels do not like — safflower and nyjer seed. An optional method is to supply the squirrels with their own supply of food away from the bird feeder area. Cracked corn works nicely.
Where and how should I store my birdseed after I bring it home?
Store your birdseed elevated on a shelf in a cool, dry location. Make sure that it is closed or sealed tightly in the original package or in a storage container. It is important that the storage location has good air circulation and is away from direct sunlight or heat source. You should avoid storing your birdseed on a cement floor since moisture from the floor can be transferred to the seed.
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